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Creative Writing

Poem: Being Queer

By Debbie Middaugh

December 03, 2021

No matter howaccepting societybecomes it’s hard being aQueer,You feel you’re not part oflike you don’t belonghere.

Queers and gays are notsexual deviants,No, we’re not missing anyingredients.

Being Queer is not evilor a curse,It’s not something wepractice or rehearsed.

It’s not a sin, wrong,weird or strange,It’s not a phase orsomething we canchange.

No one should have tohide who they truly are,We are not retarded noneed to lower the bar.

We all have our innerdemon and things we fear,Gay-bashing onlyhappens if you’re a Queer.

We should be allowed tolove who we love,Two people same genderdon’t make a federal caseof.

From day one all wehear is that we have aflaw,It’s like always getting theshort end of the straw.

Most of us choose not towear a mask,Why you choose to beQueer the question theyask.

We hear a lot of wewon’t ask you don’t tell,They pray for us wereheaded straight for hell.

After all we are part ofthe human race,Your opinion shows allover your face.