Queer Voices

#BreakTheSilence : I was Considered Rude and ‘Batameez’…

By Anonymous

August 07, 2018

Trigger warning: References to Sexual abuse and violence

I am an Indian from an educated background with moderately liberal parents… no gender discrimination as such… all good in a way.

Irrespective of me being homosexual and crazily getting involved with many partners in life and sadly being still single but happily gay, I have been molested many a times from the very start.

Firstly by my maternal Grand Father, then the Driver, my tutor – you name it and so many people have molested me. I took charge of the situation and said things to defend myself. I was considered rude and ‘batameez’ and blah blah, but all these ups & downs have made me strong.

Today I can laugh it all all… but what arises here and what makes me wonder is that: What should bother me most? My sexuality or mishandling, as everything has over lapped and has left me confused….