
Homophobia is Subtle in Gurudom

Most of these gurus do oppose the criminalising of homosexuality, and so appear to be modern. However, they do see homosexuality as a deviance (or its Sanskrit equivalent), or a 'fluidity' that needs explanation, management and re-alignment

The Importance of IDAHOBIT

The purpose of May 17 will not die down after the day, nor can the battle against the kind of phobes we face.
section 377

National Council of Churches Favours Repeal of Section 377

As followers of the non-conformist Christ, the one who consistently questioned unjust and non-compassionate traditions of public morality, our call is to reject all laws that demonize, criminalize, and exclude human beings, and work to facilitate just inclusive and loving communities.

The Sexuality of Villains (And the Story That Bollywood will not Tell)

The heroine/hero is heterosexual and chaste, essentially hetero-normative. The villain is homosexual and deviant. While everyone is talking about historical accuracy and creative license, few are noticing the closet homophobia uniting filmmakers, playwrights and critics across party lines.