Chennai gears up for the month long Pride month with the play Naanga Ready a play by Marappachi on Saturday, June 6 2015, at 6:30 pm at Spaces, Besant Nagar, Chennai. The event is co-organised by Nirangal and Orinam collective.
Nanga Ready (We are Ready) confronts society’s intolerance of gender and sexuality diversity with humour and poignancy. More movement theatre than narrative drama, it is based on a series of oral histories of queer and trans* individuals, painstakingly documented over the years by Sunil Mohan and Sumathi Murthy.
Naanga Ready is a curtain-raiser for Chennai Rainbow Pride, a series of events in June and July 2015 that bring visibility to our diverse queer-trans-ally communities, and provide safe spaces for solidarity, dialogue and cultural expression.
The Pride march is scheduled to on Sunday 28thJune 2015.
You can visit the FB Event Page for more details.
Here’s a trailer of the play: