Chennai Dost, a community based group for Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals (LGB) in South India, is organizing the Chennai Rainbow (LGBT) Film Festival from 7th June – 9th June 2013. The film festival, being organized in collaboration with Alliance Française de Madras, has its theme as Pride Sans Prejudice and aims to reach a wide spectrum of audience, cutting across the class difference and providing a platform where everyone can come together to celebrate diversity.
Organisers of the festival are inviting entries for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender(LGBT) themed short-films, documentaries, feature-length films, paintings and photographs. The entries would be reviewed by a panel of judges and the selected ones would be notified. The winners under various categories would be announced by the judges on the final day of the festival. The final day for submitting the entries is May 15th.
You can submit your work at
Note: A previous version of this article said the final date as May 10th. The date has been extended to 15th May.