
Walk of Shame

Usually walk of shame happens when you have had sex with a total stranger, and you just regret having done that while getting back home in the morning. But, t... Read More...

4 साल के रिश्ते में आयी दूरियों को हमने कुछ ऐसे मिटाया…

यह दूसरी बार था, जब मैंने उसे ग्राइंडर पर पकड़ा था। अभी उसे बताना नहीं चाह रहा था क्योंकि उसकी परीक्षा चल रही है। इंतज़ार कर रहा था कि कब उसकी परीक्षा ख़त्म हो और... Read More...

Queer in a Metro

I have always wanted to be independent, for the fact that I believed being independent means making my own decisions and controlling my own life. Therefore, rig... Read More...

Why I wish I wasn’t Gay

I wish that I lived a normal life, where I could see men as friends and nothing more. Where I can date a girl and be socially accepted, where everyone celebrates the love we have for each other, like they do on valentine's day.

Why Closeted Gay Men Choose to be Single

Although closeted men are comparatively comfortable being in the closet, relationship with a closeted guy isn't easy. Hence, most of them end up staying single, or with "friends" whom they meet occasionally for sex.