Coming Out

Poem: Coming Out

Thinking beyond my capabilities, Stop calling them as atrocities. Awaiting the news, I feared the worst and hoped for the best. Life was about to put my fami... Read More...

My Sexuality Doesn’t Define Me

Yes, I am gay and it doesn’t make me a pervert and I won’t try upon you. Nor does it give you the right to judge my sexuality. My sexuality is no one else’s business to judge and to comment upon

My Journey of Self Discovery as a Trans Man

17 years of living but not really living ends here. The rest of my life is gonna be the best of my life; I know that. Despite of all the difficulties that come, I'll still be happy cause I'll be me.

Leaving the Closet Behind

Coming out is difficult for the confessing party as well as the party it is being confessed to and we get to see myriad of reactions.

The Other Side of Coming Out

You could be gay and open, and flaunt with your gang all those party pictures, but the intimate relationships are lost when you date someone who is closeted. Nothing is more painful than you being open and your relationship being in the closet.

Peekers – The Curious Case of Neither-Out-Nor-Closeted People

The advantage of peeking is, that they can always go back in! The shell is intact, the closet is half open, and they still can hide comfortably, either to open it all, when they feel like, close it up for good, or stay there as long as they want, peeking once in a while to get the best of both worlds!