The Bangalore Queer Film Festival (BQFF) 2013 returns this Friday with a lineup of movies from India and across the world. The Film festival will start from 22nd February and will continue to screen movies till 24th Feb, and will be held at Alliance Francaise de Bangalore.
BQFF 2012 brought a whole bunch of exciting packages: Indonesian films curated by John Badalu, director of the Q! Film Festival (Jakarta), including the thrilling transgender superhero story of Madame X; quirky Australian films curated by filmmaker Anna Helme; the super hit queer Tamil horror Kanchana; a retrospective of the moving films of Lebanese artist and filmmaker Akram Zataari; a package curated by Shai Heredia, director of Experimenta (Bangalore); a collection of ground-breaking and diverse films from India and South Asia. This year too, the movies are from a number of countries from across the world including US, Pakistan, Uganda, Lebanon, China, Spain and Taiwan.
BQFF 2013 is organised by Good As You (GAY), SWABHAVA Trust and We’re Here and Queer (WHAQ!) and Pirat Dykes and entry to the festival is free. The schedule for BQFF 2013 can be viewed here.
Here’s the trailer of one of the movies Keep the Lights On