Caped Crusader

Walk of Shame

Usually walk of shame happens when you have had sex with a total stranger, and you just regret having done that while getting back home in the morning. But, t... Read More...

Sex Vs Making Love

I am usually someone who keeps it minimal when it comes to getting physical, and yet I can say that I have had the best sex, almost every time I have gotten phy... Read More...
hindu marriage ceremony

Why Indian Gay Men get Married to a Woman

Unless we address the issues that gay men face, it is almost impossible to stop any guy from marriage. We can cry all we want but the guys would rather tie the knot and settle in life, than to live a life of bidding on other men.

Why I wish I wasn’t Gay

I wish that I lived a normal life, where I could see men as friends and nothing more. Where I can date a girl and be socially accepted, where everyone celebrates the love we have for each other, like they do on valentine's day.
feminine man

Homophobia Vs Femphobia

While Homophobia is a fear of the sexual preference of the person, Femphobia is about the fear based on a person's appearance or behavior.

Caped Crusader

Caped Crusader is a closeted gay/bi man in his mid twenties, Overwhelmed by the happenings of the gay world, he wished to put it out there as a blog. Being anonymous makes him feel like Batman, for this mask makes him a vigilante of sorts.